Does Concordia still give us a Udemy account
udemy login concordia Petition · Extend Free Udemy Access for Concordia Students udemy login concordia For the past few years, I've also taught part-time for Journey Education, Did you know Concordia has a subscription to Udemy courses? #CUstudents faculty & staff can explore the more than 5,000 online courses
LoginRegister Now · cd_logo University of Toronto banner Colleges In Canada U Concordia University Montreal,Quebec · M $Yr Apply OCAD Udemy is an online learning and teaching marketplace with over 250000 courses and 73 million students Learn programming, marketing, data science and more
Concordia has contracted with Udemy for Business to provide access to thousands of constantly updated online courses available to students, faculty and staff Yeah they do still offer Udemy access If you go to the student hub > my CU account > career & professional development, you'll see the link to Udemy